Marriage Louis XVI & Marie-Antoinette

On 16th May 1770 Marie-Antoinette arrived at Versailles. A marriage by proxy with Louis had already been acted four weeks before but the official ceremony now took place. The gorgeous chapel at Versailles was the perfect setting for the royal wedding, sealing the alliance between France and Austria, two countries that used to be rivals and ennemies.

During dinner, as usual, young Louis was eating his heart out… Grandfather King Louis XV who was very experienced with ladies, tried to advise the young Dauphin that perhaps, on this evening he should not be eating too much so he could ”perform" later… Young Louis did not get the hint and replied: « But I always sleep better when I eat well… ».

That night, he did sleep well indeed. And so did he the following night. Etc. Etc. Etc. Marie-Antoinette will have to wait seven years to become a mother…